Episode Rundown

"Let's hope we've finally made some progress."
The events on this page are a work in progress.
Information may be altered, removed at any time, or may be missing.
Table of Contents
Any Episode
- All the recorded gameplay footage seems to be taken from a Composite or Component capture device, judging from the visual artifacts and scanline jitter. The game is being played on a real console and recorded.
- The Pets' names in the pause menu, the "Do you remember being born?" sign in Quitter's Room and all of Red Tool's replies are written in the same hand.
- All videos are encoded in 960 x 720, exactly 1.5 times higher than the maximum resolution for interlaced PS1 games, 640 x 480 (VGA). Despite this, Petscop may actually render in 320 x 240, as many Playstation titles did not utilize the maximum resolution. The videos are also recorded in 30 FPS.
Upload Date: March 12, 2017
Description: The game I found
The Sony PlayStation's startup screen plays out as it should, loading a game. Garalina's logo appears with a long droning sound.
We are introduced to Garalina's only game called Petscop; and to our narrator, Paul, who creates a save game block and inputs his name. He made this video to show Petscop to his friend, in hopes that he becomes convinced that it exists, as well as noticing anything Paul might have missed while playing.
When the game begins, we see an odd-looking yellow man standing on a road with gift box-shaped pillars in the white, foggy background. Upbeat music plays as Paul moves his character, who I will refer to as Naul, forward.
Paul comes across a pink sign across from an arch with the words "Gift Plane" embossed onto it. The sign was left by the Gift Plane staff, who sheltered over 100 Pets and fled for unknown reasons. It instructs the player to remove the remaining Pets from their 8 homes in Even Care.
Paul moves Naul towards the right, passing a large, pink building with simplistic 3D hedges and trees. He demonstrates that the game is unfinished because the road abruptly ends at the furthest right of this area where there would be other levels. I call this place EC-0.
He decides to show the "one and only level" Petscop has: Even Care, which is the name of the pink building.
The first area is brightly colored, a framed picture of Toneth and Randice hangs on the wall near the entrance. Paul discovers that he can't open doors, picking up small objects called Pieces as he moves his character past two arrows on a wall. The next room is the Sign Hallway, a room with six windows and two white signs. These signs give the player advice and encouragement on how to choose and care for a Pet.
This next room is Amber's Room, Paul explains how to catch Amber, the first Pet we see. The camera moves into an area with two gates and Amber's "trophy" congratulating her for not leaving her cage once. Paul opens one cage by pulling a nearby lever, causing Amber to jump into the other closed cage. He opens both cages and quickly moves Naul into one cage before it closes, tricking Amber and allowing for her capture. A triumphant jingle plays and a colorful sprite which says "CAUGHT" appears whenever Naul catches a Pet.
Paul heads east into Roneth's Room, which is very long. A strange Pet with a bird's head lives here, Roneth. Paul isn't able to catch Roneth because he moves away when Naul moves too close. Paul pauses the game to read Amber's description in the 'Pets' menu, which explains that Amber is afraid to leave home, and that her weight makes her life harder. goes back to EC-3 and enters the southmost room, Pen's Room, another long room where Pen lives. After collecting more Pieces, Paul tries to catch Pen by moving Naul onto the massive floor piano which spans the entire length of the room.
Each key Naul steps on makes Pen move onto the next key, and the offset between Pen and Naul is indicated by how many 'clones' of Naul can be seen. The offset is determined by a counter on the far-right side of the room, operated via treadmill. Paul sets this counter to 7 which removes the offset between Pen and Naul, allowing for her capture.
Continuing on, Paul enters a Small Room with a table and a framed picture of a hill. There's not much else here except the entrance to Wavey and Randice's Room, obviously home to both Wavey and Randice. This is a large, L-shaped room with a pink dresser, a pink moveable bucket and two patches of grass separated by white picket fencing. Upon first entering the room, Wavey is seen raining on Randice.
Paul explains that when you try to catch Randice, it burrows away into the other grass patch and Naul gets rained on. The trick is to push the pink bucket in a precise location where Randice emerges, preventing Wavey from raining on it. When Paul does this, Randice hits the bucket from underneath the grass, burrowing behind the bucket instead.
Randice gasps a little bit and wilts due to lack of water. Being a cloud, Wavey inadvertently pours itself into the bucket, making a small face appear in the water. Both Wavey and Randice can now be captured at the same time, which Paul promptly does.
Paul has now caught every Pet he knows how to catch. He goes back into Roneth's Room, explaining how he still can't catch Roneth. He reads a note that came with his copy of Petscop. This note mentions how a player from June 1997 "turned the right and became a shadow monster man", a related website on "the sticker" and a cheat code that only works in Roneth's Room.
Paul enters this cheat code while the game is paused. The code is Down Down Down Down Down Right Start
. An odd sound effect plays, and the cheerful background music abruptly stops. Paul goes all the way back to the entrance and exits through the door where he came in.
The game appears to freeze completely, but upon closer inspection, there's a strange face hidden in this screen. The game fades from black, revealing Naul standing in front of a small brick building in the middle of a dark, grassy field.
Paul says the note implies that there's something of interest in this area, and that he hasn't been able to find anything so far. As he moves Naul around the field, he is suddenly cut off through video editing, but when he returns, he finds a storm door in the middle of the field. Unfortunately, there's no way for Paul to open the door, and he fears that turning the PlayStation off will make him lose his chance to see what comes afterward.
He asks his friend to let him know if he saw anything that could be helpful for progressing in the game. The video ends here.
Petscop 2
Upload Date: April 01, 2017
Description: (None)
Paul is waiting at the storm door from the last episode. After about twenty seconds, the door opens by itself and an ominous sequence of tones play.
After a jump cut, Paul explains that the door opened by itself, and that he hasn't seen any of the game beyond this point. Sounding excited, he moves Naul down the stairs.
A loading screen appears, showing some furniture in a room. Paul is now in U-1, one of many areas underneath the Newmaker Plane. This room has a shaking furnace on the right side of the stairway, two framed pictures of a clock, and three more pictures on the rightmost wall.
Paul enters a long hallway that's similar to EC-2, but longer. He hears the sound of a phone ringing, coming from down the hall. Paul enters an office and answers the phone. A text box appears saying "Care left the room".
He notices something tacked onto a bulletin board. A piece of paper appears on the screen with three faces printed on it. Beside each face is a letter (or sequence of letters): A, B and NLM. Paul seems very confused as to what this means.
The next room is a long, winding corridor with framed pictures in each corner. The first picture is a green house in the middle of the Newmaker Plane. The second is of a school building, and looking at this picture causes a bassy sound effect to play. The third and final picture is of a windmill.
(TODO: The rest of this section.
Petscop 3
Upload Date: April 02, 2017
Description: (None)
TODO: This section.
Petscop 4
Upload Date: April 07, 2017
Description: (None)
In this short episode, Naul stands outside the entrance to Quitter's Room, and Paul moves him back up the stairs to NM-2. Paul says that he tried and failed to explain something yesterday, moving Naul over to a black camera in the middle of the field. In short, he explains that the location of this camera directly lines up with where the red Tool is underground (U-10).
Walking north a bit, Paul comes across a concrete foundation where the windmill is supposed to be, believing it to be a placeholder. This foundation slowly moves left and right, and is slightly transparent. Paul thinks that he's missing something important about this area.
In the top-right corner of the screen, a mysterious, hardly-visible player walks in and out of frame, and Paul ends the recording soon after this.
Petscop 5
Upload Date: April 11, 2017
Look here for description.
Back at U-9, Paul tries to interface with the Red Tool, finding out that he is the "Newmaker", that this portion of the game takes place "under the Newmaker Plane", and inquires about Tiara, the smart "Petscop kid".
The tool becomes pink, and its responses are take a longer time to appear, as if they are being read by a different person than that of the Red Tool.
Paul is told by the Pink Tool to
Before any other questions can be asked, the Tool turns red again.
The video produces visual artifacts at 6:29, likely due to the nature of the encoding software being used to compress the video data, though I can't say for sure given the other "convenient" things that happen in this series.
After some time, Paul asks the Red Tool if it remembers being born, and it replies with "I'm not Tiara". I think the Pink Tool is Tiara attempting to communicate using Tool as a medium.
Petscop 6
Upload Date: April 20, 2017
Description: (None)
The video starts out with Paul trying to capture something while looking at the Windmill, taking Tool's previous advice. Some pretty clear video editing occurs with the "2 hrs 39 mins later" title appearing.
There is a loading screen which appears to be a CD silohette on a pink background.

The "Shadow Monster Man" walks into the Windmill scene making its blades turn counter-clockwise and causes a low droning noise to play. He turns the camera around, leading into a strange cutscene where he appears to manipulate game values and makes Toneth appear out of a gift box.
The Shadow Monster Man/Marvin turns the camera around, and "1 hr 24 mins later", the windmill disappears with an odd sting sound effect.
Paul comes back up to NM-2 to find the camera, now red and much shorter, with the droning noise still playing. He remarks that he has seen the camera at that height before, on an earlier playthrough.
Paul moves sourth of the camera and comes across the remnants of the previous cutscene with (shadow) Marvin, chuckling in amusement.
Paul captures Toneth, and some VERY faint tones can be heard beneath the drone noise, similar to the ones in Petscop 2. Toneth's description is very disjointed, appears to be written by several different people. There is even a tangent about a dog where the text goes off the screen. Apparently, Toneth was hit by a car, resulting in his broken leg.
The comment about hanging "it" on a wall may be a reference to the picture of Toneth and Randice in EC-1.
Paul then figures out that four more "Pet" slots exist, explaining that he tried to see if there were any more before he entered the Roneth's Room code, but the game didn't indicate that there was. Care A, B and NLM are in this list, as well as an empty slot.
Before resuming the game, Paul explains that the "Book of Baby Names" option in the pause menu has no function, and says that it could be for "naming your Pets" - which is odd, considering the Pets already have names (excluding the blank entry).
The video cuts and the game is unpaused. Paul moves north, back toward the windmill platform and walks around it again. Note: I heard a little "plink" sound before Paul goes "Hm", very faint, like a glass being put down on a hard surface. Paul wanders around a little more, and the scene cuts back to Tool's room.
Paul asks the Red Tool "Where is my house?", the Tool answers "You'll never go home" - Paul then asks "Where is the school?" - "You can't go back in time".
After a cut, Paul walks around U-6 and gives his thoughts on the game so far. He explains that he's not quite convinced that the game is self-aware, and that it's trying very hard to make it seem like it is.
He expresses disappointment at how the game is distant, and how the Red Tool didn't answer his questions properly, but he finds the fact that in-game events "just happen" while walking around interesting.
Paul then says that he created a new save file in order to be "scientific" about his experience with Petscop, noting that he had not encountered any of the oddities present in his first save file, while preforming the same actions in this playthrough.
Petscop 7
Upload Date: April 29, 2017
Description: (None)
Paul pays another visit to the mirrored Quitter's Room, probably trying to make the doll face player on the left go out-of-sync like in Petscop 2. He idles while the game is unpaused, and sounds like he's reading something off a piece of paper. While he's reading, the game starts to play a tune.
The tune being played is a simple rendition of Igor Stravinsky's Septet, specifically the 2nd movement, Passacaglia. Paul puts away his paper and says "something's happening", then moves over to the mirror wall, noticing that the other player isn't there.
He waits near the wall as the song plays. When it stops, the figure just appears in the same horizontal space as Paul's character. You may notice that Paul's character is facing away from the camera, so they are looking in different directions.

Paul walks around some more, wondering if that is all that will happen, but he notices something about the "Do you remember being born" note on the eastmost wall: the words "COME HERE" are written above the answer line, using the same hand as the Pink Tool.
Paul seems to understand what has happened and goes over to Tool's Room, where the Pink Tool has already written a message:
Paul whispers something around 2:33, something about Marvin.
He claims that we now know who Marvin is, and it's implied that he knows the connection between Pink Tool and the Quitter's Room doll. Paul asks Pink Tool "Who are you", only to be told:
Paul knows that it's talking about the house, but it did not answer his question.
He then asks "Remember being born?" - a jump cut occurs and the Pink Tool responds:
Paul repeats the last part of Pink Tool's reply, saying it's also not an answer to his question. Pink Tool turns back into Red Tool. Annoyed, Paul appears to stop the recording for a bit.
Recording once again, Paul walks to the Child Library deposit station and tries to select a Pet to deposit, the game responding with:
Child Library accepts people
Paul says that he's an idiot after realizing that Care can be captured and placed into the library. He then skims through Pen's description to see if the dialogs change.
After a jump cut, Paul inputs Mike's face into the Child Library's Face System, only without the eyebrows. In the corresponding room, he looks for anything "out of the ordinary", noting the wall and floor patterns. The "something else" he sees on the floor pattern looks like a two-lane road.
Paul explains that he tried this variant of Mike's face because eyebrows seem to be symbolic of something.
He tries one more room configuration: Care with Mike's eyebrows. Something on the room's table is censored, possibly a Red Tool - Paul wonders why it is in the room at all and figures that it's just a variable that can be in any room.
A plain title card explains that "we've" had to censor something, and that they can't explain why. It also says that a "big present with a sticker on it", something on a wall "in a black house" and something "written on a chalkboard" will also be censored in future videos.
Petscop 8
Upload Date: May 09, 2017
Paul is back at U-5 "Road" and notices there are cars. They don't run over Naul while he's already in the middle of the road.
After a few more cars drive down the road, Marvin comes out of the tunnel and surprises Paul, and he follows him back into U-4. Marvin is noticibly faster than Paul's character. Paul looks at the pictures of the School and House again, each time Marvin circling around him.
Marvin starts butting into a wall, as if something were supposed to be there at some point. Paul remarks that Marvin may be a bit confused, but then he walks up into the air and disappears, really stunning Paul.
Paul tries to find him in the same way he approximated the camera's position earlier, going back up to NM-1, but he is nowhere to be seen.
After a jump cut, Paul seems to be talking to someone on the phone while discussing the wall Marvin tried to go through. Paul asks this person if he remembers anything about it. He talks about his mother, who had something after 2004 which apparently altered this spot in the game. The video ends after Paul thanks the person on the phone.
Petscop 9
Upload Date: May 24, 2017
Description: (None)
We see the Petscop title screen, which then enters "Demo" mode.
A recording of a player starts off at EC-1, near the EC-8 door, making his way to Pen's room. The door that leads outside of Even Care is closed, oddly enough. The music is also different from the first time.
When he reaches Pen's room, he slowly ticks the numerical counter down to 0, stopping a bit at 3. Pen's floor piano is no longer present. Once the counter hits 0, the recording switches back over to Paul.
You may notice that the counter made different sounds - the same sounds the giant daisy in P5/U makes, in fact. If you line up the sound from Petscop 2's Flower Shack scene with the first tick of the counter, you'll see that they are completely synchronized, which is why the long pause at '3' happens.
Paul visits the Flower Shack basement, Care NLM is still glitched up. He exits the shack in order to preform the "turned the right" glitch which turns him into a "Shadow Monster Man".
At NM-2, Shadow-Naul tries to do the glitch on the storm door here, but it doesn't work. He goes to the camera, still red and to the Windmill, which now appears because of the glitch.
When he gets inside, there are some cogs with Pieces stuck between them, as well as a Silver Tool. There's also a face on a sign which looks like Care, but with a lower nose.
A strange-looking piece that looks like the aforementioned face can also be seen, spinning around. Paul uses the Silver Tool, which moves toward the face. Paul gains 50 pieces for doing this, but causes the Windmill to make that low-pitched rumbling noise and the blades spin counter-clockwise.
Paul returns sometime after discarding his 'shadow' form, and sees that the Windmill is gone again, but the rumbling is still there.
Back at the Child Library, Paul inputs the face from the sign inside the Windmill: "You found her."
Inside "her" room, there is a clone of Naul reading a note, but he walks away as Paul's character draws near.
Paul reads the note, which talks about a picture of someone from 1977, standing in front of a windmill with their friend. The windmill and "her" friend "vanished into thin air". The writer(s) wanted to know where the windmill is, and what "you" did to make it disappear.
The note was signed by "Rainer, Newmaker".
If you line up Paul's next character movements from the Naul clone we saw earlier, you'll notice that they take the exact same steps.
Paul enters a strange, dull room with gift-boxes, lots of pieces, a cake and pinwheels on the sides.
A single piece of cake lies outside a window, on a park bench, by a yellow pinwheel. One of the gift-boxes has a sticker on it (yes, it's this one), and the other does not. He opens the one without the sticker first, granting him a green key, which now floats above his head.
Paul opens the stickered box, and a huge, inverted, red tetrahedron comes out. For some reason, this really shocks Paul, as he exclaims "What the fuck?!" This object in it's full size is obscured by a black box, just like "they" said earlier.
I've been trying to come up with a way to see what is written on that sticker, but the camera is too far away and the LOD obscures it, assuming anything is written there at all.
After a jump-cut, Paul notices a "bit of weirdness" with the camera in the level when he goes to the far-right or left. A picnic table can barely be seen, being obscured by the camera angle.
On the far-left side, there is a little opening that he notices, but he has to be off-screen in order to go through it. It turns out that it's a small room with another gift-box, which he opens. The camera zooms right inside of it, and a strange church choir sound is heard.
When it stops, Paul appears back in the Newmaker Plane, the green key still above his head. He moves north and sees a brick structure, just like the one in NM-1, only with a strange symbol block above the doorway.
As he goes inside, the game's transitions turn to white.
Paul is now back in Even Care, or at least the little Transition Room, EC-8. The room has the same background symbol the block just outside does.
Upon leaving through the southern door, Paul is has now come full-circle and is back in EC-1, only with that "mystery door" to EC-8 opened. Strangely, the door leading back to EC-0 is closed now, permanently stifling progress in the "intended" game.
The picture of Toneth and Randice, the signs in EC-2, Amber's Trophy in EC-3 all say the same things, though all the pieces from EC-3 and EC-5 are back.
In Pen's Room, the counter from the beginning of the video is still at 0, and after Paul collects the pieces, he plays around with the counter. He brings it up to 16, and back down to -1. The game appears to crash some time after this.
After another jump cut, Paul goes back to U-6 and enters the Flower Shack Basement. Care NLM is no longer corrupted, the room no longer red.
The light in the room moves a bit forward, revealing a symbol block with EC-5's background symbol on it, confirming the connection.
Paul captures Care NLM and pauses the game to read her description, the right-side message saying "You're in the other place too!", suggesting further connections between Even Care and the Newmaker Plane.
Care NLM is a form of Care which escaped the school's basement. It's suggested that the player had to "lie" in order to catch her, but this may not be a lie forever. The message continues, saying that Paul is the Newmaker, and he can turn Care NLM into Care A, closing "the loop"
Paul heads back to U-13 and deposits Care NLM to the Child Library. The depositing station tells Paul that he can take Care NLM back if he changes his mind within 6 months, and then asks about what month and year it is.
He enters Care's face into the Face System, enters her room, and she can now be seen on her bed, still crying. For some reason, Paul captures her again.
Petscop 10
Upload Date: May 31, 2017
Description: (None)
Paul is back at Even Care again, having figured something out about U-12 "Quitter's Room" and EC-3 "Amber's Room". He flips the levers in EC-3 in a specific way, then tries to exit EC-2 "Sign Hallway", but the door closes on him. The game seems to crash when he tries to go back into EC-3.
Paul tries to access his save files, which are marked with: "PANICSV possible corruption"
He continues his first savegame regardless of this message and reappears in NM-4, probably undoing his progress in catching Care NLM.
However, when he arrives at EC-3 again, the switches are still in the position he set them before the corruption.
Paul goes to U-10 and enters the left Quitter's Room entryway which was blocked some time ago. He manages to enter the obverse Quitter's Room, and sees another block with EC-3's symbol on it, confirming the connection once again.
Tiara appears on the reverse side now, and the "COME HERE" writing from Pink Tool is no longer on the note on the wall. Not to mention, the text is no longer mirrored.
After a jump cut, Paul goes to Tool's Room and asks it what the current month and year is, as well as where the Windmill was.

A big calendar floats down in front of Red Tool, who appears to be writing in it as Paul asks his questions. When the answer finally comes, another black box censors it out. Bah, humbug.
The save game corruption didn't affect Paul's piece count, nor did it make any pieces re-appear.
Petscop 11
Upload Date: December 25, 2017
Look here for description.
Paul is running around the Newmaker Plane again, talking to someone about the "signs along the way", and how he ignored them. He says something about finding his room - perhaps we saw it in an earlier episode? Maybe "Care with Mike's eyebrows?" Paul says he was shocked about what he saw at first, but it made sense considering where he found the game in the first place.
He explains that something in the game would be tied through him to the person he's talking to.
Paul tries to think when the last time he saw "any of you" - likely his extended family, saying that it had to have been 1999, when he was a small kid, and that this would make sense in the timeline.
Paul explains that he's actually trying to do something by walking around in a specific way. He made a drawing that he wants to scan and send to whoever he's talking to, noting that it is like "scribbles", and that a greater explanation would be needed to fullly comprehend it.
90% sure that what he's doing is going to work, Paul circles clockwise and a grey question entry box appears. He dismisses this box. Moving north, he finds a car tire on a pyramid-shaped pedestal, preforming the same movements he made before, and making another question entry box appear.
He asks the tire "where is house?", and it begins to spin north-west.
Paul moves his character in that direction and finds a road, noting that it wasn't what he was looking for, but it makes sense. A sign further down the road says "This is a frozen house, captured three times, exactly as it was."
Paul moves north again, finally revealing the House's location. Elated, he approaches the front door, which is locked. The green key above his head unlocks it, but he is unable to open the door.
After a jump cut, Paul mutters that there's another joke about how he can't open doors. Another jump cut later, Paul talks about how he has trouble discerning clockwise motion from counter-clockwise, pacing up and down the road.
He uses the "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey" mnemonic, and faint tones are heard in the background. He notices the front door is now open.
Paul enters the House, and a weird loading screen that looks like a badly-compressed photograph appears.
The House's living room has 17 pieces in it. As Paul collects all of them, he notices that there are "people" appearing and disappearing at regular intervals. These people look similar to the kids in the Child Library's rooms. A Christmas tree and several gifts are in the living room, this "capture" of the House being from Christmas 1997 and 2000. Incidentally, this episode was uploaded on Christmas 2017.
A text box appears with blue text that asks Paul where he's been and why he was gone for such a long time. Shortly after, the blue text asks if "this" is a present, and who it's for.
Paul activates a green calendar near the bathroom door. Judging by each day's location for each month, as well as the game's general time frame, it looks like a 1997 calendar. Certain days are highlighted in green for some reason, and Christmas (Dec 25) is marked with a Christmas tree.
Next to the green calendar, another gray calendar has no marked days except for the Christmas tree on Dec 25 - there are no highlighted days. The year depicted on this calendar is 2000 or 2017, as the weekday distribution is the same.
Paul notices something in June, Fri 13th is marked with some symbols, begins talking about "got that immediately" and "on that topic", and that he's never met "this girl" before, doesn't remember knowing her at any point, never heard about anyone going missing, likely refering to Care. he remembers "you" saying that he and Care are exactly the same age.
In reference to the calendar's highlighted dates, he says that it was during "one of those periods where we weren't visiting very much", suggesting a further connection between him and Care. Paul makes the connection between 5 June and 10 November - when Care went missing, and when she was found.
Paul is confused because one day in each calendar is animated, but the calendars represent different years. The tree on 25 December is an obvious reference to Christmas, also judging by the decor in the house.
After a jump cut, Paul is talking about how there is a "very strong" resemblance between him and Care. Again, this solidifies his relation to Care, if not, his involvement in Care's story arc.
A text box appears: "Can I use the bathroom?". Shortly after, the blue-text voice says "Of course," and the bathroom opens. Paul enters the bathroom. Suddenly, the game plays an odd cutscene where the camera zooms into the living room television twice, and an interrupted, vaguely Christmas-themed jingle plays.
Now in the bathroom, Paul picks up 3 more pieces, and remarks about how the previous cutscene was "an experience". There is a P-7 symbol block over the bathtub. He goes up a small ramp which leads into the bathtub, and the video stream is abruptly cut.
The Petscop title screen is shown, about to go into Demo mode. The loading screen shows an unseen area in the School where the "GiRL" picture appears. I don't really know what that image on the wall is supposed to be.
A Demo cutscene starts at U-5 "Road". It appears to be a simple static image, but then the camera "drops" down, making a dithered crashing noise.
It is now implied that we are in a slow-moving car, or other vehicle. A semi-transparent clock face appears and ticks away as a church bell tolls in the distance.
After a small cut, we are still on the road. Suddenly, the vehicle approaches an unidentified solid structure with what appears to be a doorway in the middle. Our vehicle 'crashes' into it. Please note the affine texture distortion as the camera zooms into the wall. If anyone really cares to know, the church bell tolls 16 times.
Still in Demo mode, we see a recording of Paul and Marvin in front of a park bench. A message appears which instructs Paul to insert a gamepad in P2's slot so he can talk to Marvin.
A bunch of Playstation gamepad symbols appear over Marvin's head, and these are translated into the words "Hello Pall". This is actually a phonetic English "language" which uses every Playstation gamepad input except for Select.
Notice how fast Marvin inputs these words - there is a clear difference between Paul and Marvin's levels of fluency with this system, as Paul mistakenly inputs "Hell" instead of "Hello". Marvin also has the freakish ability to move his in-game character and use the gamepad language at the same time. He is either very talented, or there's something else going on...
After Marvin laughs at Paul's attempt to say hello, they both walk into the School.
A much clearer loading screen appears, which looks like a higher-definition version of Marvin's face, along with a small, purple-striped tetrahedron next to him.
In the School, the game's mechanics dramatically change. Paul wanders around the School using the world's worst raytracing engine - similar to Doom/Wolf3D - only with some severe z-plane clipping and occlusion issues. For some reason, the Green Tool is present.
If you pay close attention to how many pieces Paul has here, he starts out with 394 - many more than the 368 he had in the Frozen House's bathroom. This demo appears to be from a much later session, even later than Petscop 14.
Paul collects more pieces and a jump cut occurs.
Paul uses the Green Tool, which slightly de-hazes the thick, red fog in this level for as long as it's active. He comes across a single locker with a combination lock on it, and tries to unlock it. The red fog silently comes back after a bit.
After another jump cut, Paul is seen entering the Frozen House's bathroom again, in the same way he did before. The same Christmas-like cutscene plays as before, only the camera zooms out of the television set instead of in. Entering the bathroom, Paul remarks how "that was an experience".
This is the exact same scene we watched before it was cut off. Paul experiences deja-vu, saying that he saw one of the symbol blocks above the bathtub, though it doesn't appear now.
Paul walks outside of the bathroom, and the Frozen House looks a bit different now. Only the green calendar is on the wall, the Christmas decorations are gone, a moveable bucket is lying around, and there doesn't seem to be anyone home.
A note on the living room wall says:
My husband may
come here after 6:00
pm . Please stay
overnight if you can .
Thank you so so so
much. (o)
The green calendar now says that it's 5 June, suggesting that some form of time-travel has occured.
Paul wonders if he can figure out the in-game time, and then notices a strange contraption near a door which is being congested by Pieces.
Paul enters this door and finds himself in Care's Room. There is a wall-mounted A/C unit above the bed that Care A is sitting on, shivering and letting out a high-pitched noise every so often. A wall clock on the left side of the room reads approximately 6:10 PM or 18:10 in 24-hour format.
Paul tries to get near Care, but an untextured wireframe block prevents him from interacting with her. He wonders how he will be able to catch her.
After another jump cut (which takes about 2 minutes according to the clock), he decides to leave the room and go outside in order to find an alternate solution.
Paul notices that he's "free" to explore the house's exterior, and immediately checks out a window that lines up with the A/C unit in Care's room indoors.
He moves along the back of the house, hoping to find some way to get in through this window. Going back inside (and pushing the bucket a bit), he looks in the small closet in Care's room, saying that he might have missed something.
Some tones play, and the closet door closes, trapping him inside. Paul laughs a bit, saying a "fun thing" just happened, and reiterating that he cannot interact with any in-game doors.
Paul silently waits for something will happen.
Suddenly, a loud bang and white flash happens, Marvin crashes through the A/C unit, captures Care and runs out of the room. The A/C unit spazzes for a bit, almost like it's going to explode. A strange alarm sound plays, and the text "Care left the room" appears on-screen, just like in the Office during Petscop 2.
Soon afterward, a shorter version of the tones from earlier play, the closet door is opened, and Care is put back onto the bed as if nothing happened.
Paul still can't capture Care, so he goes back into the living room. Marvin is seen walking around, and enters a door that is inaccessable to Paul, probably the garage. Paul checks the bathroom, to no avail.
He goes back outside and notices a "cute little ladder" near the right-side window, and promptly uses it.
The same jumpscare sequence from before happens again, only Naul is on the bed this time. He captures Care A and jumps off the bed, the only time so far where Paul's character jumps at all.
Paul pauses the game in order to read Care A's description, the pause menu message reading "I'll come out in a minute. Keep playing".
Care A's description starts off with a story about an "emergency", saying that Care A should not have been found. The writer's brother is somehow involved, and so is a "Michael A". The writer goes on to explain that he's back, has a present and that he started "it" in 1996, for Marvin.
The writer poses a challenge to the player, presumably, to capture Care NLM and Care B, noting that she's in the School. "Fuck you all, and fuck me as well. Merry Christmas. Check your bathroom now."
The message is revealed to have been written by Rainer, the same person in the prior messages in Care's room in the Child Library, and "her" room.
Paul recounts that he once met Rainer at a birthday party around 1999, when he was a small kid. He says that the older kids would play video games in the basement and hide from everyone, and that Rainer was there, too. Rainer is older than the rest of the "kids" mentioned by Paul.
Before any more context is given regarding Rainer, the buzzing alarm plays again, the same "Care left the room" message appears. Paul goes to check the bathroom one last time, per Rainer's request.
There still isn't anything in the bathroom, and the video feed cuts out again.
Back in the School demo, Paul is walking around the school, having collected all the level's Pieces. He enters a door, and another loading screen that depicts a sort of hellish contraption: the Needles Piano.
Paul is now with Marvin again, inside of a classroom with a chalkboard. Marvin instructs Paul through gamepad language to "Play Music For Baby - She Will Become Melody", and makes a small, purple-striped tetrahedron appear on the floor, which Paul picks up. He thanks Marvin.
Paul plays a weird song on this "Needles Piano" as the tetrahedron spins in front of Naul, blinking as each note is played.
Marvin compliments Paul's playing abilities a couple of times, but then Paul makes a few mistakes.
Marvin says "She tripped and fell and is lost", as Paul hits some pretty sour notes on the Needles. Shortly after, Marvin instructs Paul to "stop". Paul says "Sorry". Marvin says "Tiara plays bad music too - do it right next time". Paul says "Sad". Marvin reassures Paul: "OK". The video abruptly ends here.
Petscop 12
Upload Date: January 04, 2018
Look here for description.
There is no spoken dialogue in this episode, and the entire video is in "Demo" mode. No pieces are collected by Paul, as he is not present.
For your information, this player collects 101 pieces.
The video starts out with a player moving very erratically around the reverse Quitter's Room.
After that, a smash-cut into another player begins as they enter the same room. As this Naul approaches the mirror wall, a new figure appears on the other side who seems to have a tetrahedral ruby for a head.
This player goes outside of the Quitter's Room, but the ruby-headed guy runs into him due to the Quitter's Room mechanics. He disappeared after being touched by the Naul character.
This random player wanders around the T-junction area for a bit, but is soon contacted by someone through a text box. We now learn that this player is Belle, and this entity congratulates her for her newfound freedom.

After another smash-cut, we find out that Belle has been playing Petscop uninterrupted for 553,758,221 seconds (or 153,822 hours).
Using some basic math, this means she's been here for 17 Years, 6 Months, 17 Days, 5 hours, 43 minutes and 41 seconds.
This entity asks if she is sitting on a chair, if she can look around the room, and if a room still exists. It makes a comment about the Child Library, saying it didn't add Belle's traits to the face system - no eyes, eyebrows or nose for Belle.
Belle continues up to NM-1, where Marvin is stuck in a recorded sequence where he's talking to Paul from the last episode. The movements match up perfectly with his "gamepad language" conversation. The entity reminds Belle to not get lost.
Soon after that, Belle gets greeted by the entity with a "Happy Birthday". It relays another message beginning with "I", but a smash-cut occurs before it could be read.
The entity clarifies that it's calling her Belle because Tiara is gone. It says that it created an unused space in the menu for Belle.
Belle was put inside "the machine", and the entity played the second movement of Stravinsky's Septet on the Needles Piano, the same song that was played in Petscop 7. This may mean that the doll figure is Tiara, or at least a part of her.
The entity continues to explain that if Belle hadn't given up halfway, she would be Tiara - but this is not the case - and now she's "gone".
The video ends here, with Belle standing in the middle of the Newmaker Plane, pausing the game.

Petscop 13
Upload Date: March 11, 2018
Look here for description.
Back with Paul again still in Demo mode for some reason.
He wanders around the June 5 '97 Frozen House, fiddling with the bucket in the living room area. He pushes the bucket through the front door, and another discovery is made: movable buckets persist through level changes.

Happy that he's made some progress, Paul moves the bucket onto the road in front of the house. He walks to the left and a new Teal Tool appears, moving with him. Paul moves the bucket in the direction he went before, but the Tool still moves away. He comes across an overhead sign, similar to the one found outside of Even Care, and a Roneth's Room symbol block.
When he approaches the sign, the Teal Tool moves upward, similar to how Roneth avoids being caught. Paul moves the bucket directly underneath the Teal Tool, and moves away from it. The Teal Tool falls into the bucket, which is revealed to contain oil, coating the Tool in black.
Paul then moves the bucket back into the Frozen House, pushing it into the contraption near Care A's room. An odd sound effect plays, the blackened Teal Tool comes out and removes 15 pieces from it.
The contraption appears to be a medium-sized speaker with a small satelite dish next to it, I can't tell what it really is because the partially-transparent door obscures it. Another jump cut occurs.
Paul is now on another file, and begins to explain that the Frozen House and Randice and Wavey's room have a similar layout, and that symbol block in the Frozen House's bathroom matches EC-7's background.
Notice how there is no music at all, even though this is a new save file. Using the same logic as before, he takes the empty pink bucket and moves it into Roneth's Room, EC-4. Paul immediately notices what he needs to do, but expresses doubt because the bucket is "small".

Despite his doubt, he is able to get Roneth into the bucket and capture him, putting an end to a long-time curiosity. It should be noted that Roneth's 'cry' sounds like a mixture of Wavey and Toneth's, more "watery" chirping than Toneth.
Reading his description, Paul finds out that Roneth is Toneth's baby half- brother. The text explains that Roneth gets to learn from all of Toneth's mistakes, and this is why he looks both ways, implying that Toneth was hit by a car.
Some odd things the text specifies is that he does not get into trouble, doesn't need to be watched, and that he's "good".
After a jump-cut, Paul finishes up catching the other Pets, purportedly in the same way as in Petscop 1. I don't know if that bucket in EC-7 respawns, but it's implied that he caught them, too. Paul catches Amber, and is then greeted by an in-game message.
This message congratulates Paul for catching every Pet in Even Care, excluding Toneth. It continues to say that he has seen everything in the game so far, and more will come.
The message continues: "It's a growing organism." Very ominous because you're not sure if it's a figure of speech. The game then hints at the controller inputs being "useful", but Paul's feedback being more so.
Some strange knocking sounds are heard - as far as I know, it's not a Morse Code SOS. Paul can faintly be heard asking "Whass'at?" or "...sound?" at some point. Noises of shuffling around are also heard.

The game instructs Paul to leave the Playstation on when he leaves, and that he can stand up, as if he couldn't before?
Much silence and idling later, a weird croaking sound and a thud happens, and the video stream is cut.
Petscop 14
Upload Date: July 17, 2018
TODO: This section.
Petscop 15
Upload Date: July 18, 2018
In this demo recording, Paul begins in the School's first floor, this time heading up the nearby stairway. Once he reaches the second floor, a short jingle plays and immediately stops. Paul turns to the left and continues down the corridor, picking up some more pieces. He notices a door that's open, but doesn't go through it just yet.
As he continues down the corridor, his character suddenly fades in from black, the design looking a bit different. He is moved backward by an unknown force and placed in front of a nearby picture on the wall. Moving towards the picture, the word "GiRL" appears in front of it in colorful letters that look like refrigerator magnets. The same looping jingle plays as Paul messes about with the way the letters act in-game.
Turning back around, he tries going down the left side again, but the same pull-back event happens, placing him back in front of the GiRL picture. Paul tries the right side corridor time, picking up only one more piece before being pulled back again. Finally, he decides to go through the open door on the left side.
Paul enters another classroom with many desks and a chalkboard blocking the doorway. Marvin stands on the right side of the room, apparently waiting for him. Using P2 Talk, Paul tries to say "Marvin", but the game doesn't recognize the word, instead sending out the words "Not In Table".
Marvin, ignoring Paul's attempt at saying his name, tells him to "Sit Here For The Present". Paul sits his character down at the desk that is closest to the chalkboard. For the next thirty seconds, Paul idles in dead silence. Suddenly, the game plays two low-frequency tones, and Marvin re-enters the room. Another character also enters the room, the doll-faced player from Quitter's Room.
Marvin introduces this character: "This Is Bell", refering to Belle from earlier in the series. He promptly exits the classroom again. "Bell" then types out the words: "I Am Tiara Not Bell". For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to this character as "Tiara" for now.
Tiara tells Paul to "Press Nifty", which confuses him: "What". He inputs the word "Nifty" through P2 Talk, but Tiara tells him "No", "Player One Press Nifty". The game appears to idle for a few seconds, but then a partial VRAM editor appears on-screen, and a loud echoing noise plays. Many familiar School textures appear, including the GiRL image, walls, a door and the chalkboard.
Using a single-pixel pencil, Paul scribbles on some of the textures and writes "Hi" on the chalkboard. After exiting the editor, the classroom's textures have been changed: Paul's scribbles appear on the walls and floor, and "Hi" is written on the chalkboard. The video ends here.
Petscop 16
Upload Date: October 31, 2018
Description: (None)
Paul is idling inside the House's garage, and a red car is now present in the garage.
The game appears to have softlocked with a blank message box onscreen while the binaural sound from the end of Petscop 14 plays.
For whatever reason, there is a small, faint red box drawn over the text box, and it seems to be very similar in size to the car's rear window. This box appears in every "dark"-themed text box for the remainder of the series after this episode, and even stretches if the text box is longer or wider than normal.

After about twenty seconds, the ambient sound stops. Some text fades in with a rather dire message to the player:
No controller input has been detected
for a very long time.
Family, neighbors, police, (or whoever,)
call provided phone number.
The game begins to flash an red-orange color and blare an alarm sound, likely trying to draw attention to the screen from which Petscop is being played. A phone number is printed over a red background, but is censored. The area code can be seen briefly, but I will not reproduce it on this website in case the number is real.
After thirty more seconds, a Burn-in Monitor slides in from the right side of the screen. It appears to show a simple bedroom layout, the "ghost room" / "testing room". The small, red 'blip' on the bed fades in and out, making an odd repetitive ticking noise, similar to a geiger counter.
Both the alarm and monitor routines continue to loop, then the video is cut off. When it returns, the Burn-in Monitor shows the blip moving around the room, stopping in a chair between the monitor and bed. The video cuts off again, and that's the end of this short episode.
Petscop 17
Upload Date: April 21, 2019
Some select "Petscop" recordings.
In a way, recordings have the power to raise the dead.
They're kind of scary. We finished our long Easter egg hunt.
This video starts out in the garage again, much like the last video.
After a bit of time, someone pauses the game and enters the Options menu, which hasn't been seen up to this point. They enter the Sound Test submenu, which contains every sound effect and music track that has been heard in the game so far.
The Sound Test shows a disembodied hand holding a white ball, much like what Pen does. in The player moves past all the sound test entries, which are expressed in hexadecimal format, up to 84 (Care says "Uh-oh") and 85 (Care says "Bye-bye"), and begins playing these sound clips repeatedly. This is the first time we hear a coherent voice that isn't Paul.
For the next minute, the player mashes away on 85 (Care says "Bye-bye"). At the end of this button-mashing session, they press 84 again, which causes the ball to turn red. A sound effect plays while the screen fades to red. What the player likely did was execute a well-hidden cheat code, and they pressed that sound test entry 360 times. (Yes, I counted!)

A new menu appears on screen with three options: "All Recordings", "Room Impulse" and "Extra Stuff". The player enters the "Room Impulse" submenu, which brings up a list of all the rooms throughout Petscop. They choose the "house" level, and set a "Gen." variable to 10. Looking closely after they hit "Play", the pause menu shows the text: "The ghost room is a ship in a bottle".
The House's "strange situation" variant loads up, but now there's several ruby-head players walking around at the same time. The gauge from the Burn-in Monitor in the bottom-left corner can be turned just like the combination lock in the School. This seems to affect what "cluster" of players are visible. The person playing the game can focus on a specific player using the gauge, but this removes their custom head, reverting to the default Naul.
The player messes about with this confusing mode for a while, finally settling on the one they started on (I'll call it 270°), heading out the door for the Newmaker Plane.
Outside, the players start moving backwards for some reason. A long text box appears on the left side of the screen, telling the player that they're free. The player starts moving backwards down the road, past where it abruptly stops (like the road in the Gift Plane).

The text boxes continue to appear, apparently trying to help the player retrace their steps. The player continually moves down and to the right slightly as the boxes use a "spell" of some sort. It's here where we learn that Care is a nickname, and that her real name is Carrie Mark. Her birthday is confirmed to be November 12, 1992, meaning that she's 5 years old for most of 1997. The names of her parents, Anna and Marvin, her aunt Jill, her uncle Thomas and cousin Daniel are revealed.
The partial story of her kidnapping, being held captive in the School and her subsequent escape are told by these text boxes. The intended goal of this "spell" is to lead the player to where they were "lead astray on the road". After more walking, a jump cut happens. More text boxes appear, talking about a missing girl, prompting the player to ask what happened to her.
The player executes the same movements Paul made during Petscop 11 in order to make a text input box appear, and they type in "What happened to her?". Something begins to slowly rise out of the ground, and it's revealed to be another gravestone, very similar to Michael Hammond's. The face on this gravestone has "Her" face on it, and the name Lina Leskowitz, born 1968, died 1977.
The video cuts again, with the player heading back into the storm door near the Windmill. They continue going backward until they reach the Road, the cars still passing by. They pause briefly in the middle of the road, and walk through the passageway into the darkness.
Petscop 18
Upload Date: April 21, 2019
Some select "Petscop" recordings.
In a way, recordings have the power to raise the dead.
They're kind of scary. We finished our long Easter egg hunt.
Back in the hidden menu, the player hits the "Extra Stuff" option. Several pages of sprite sheets are navigated, showing off early designs of the player character and some Pets, during various stages of development.
A few interesting things are seen here: The default player's internal name is revealed to be "guardian", a never-before-seen character named Hudson is shown, and there is even a large map of the Gift Plane.
One entry is called "09 the_house", a very simple 3D model of a house. The Shepherd tones in the background fade out to total silence, and the house seems to slowly inch closer. Listening very closely to the audio, one can hear a voice saying "-erry-" before being cut off. The video ends shortly after the house moves even closer.
Petscop 19
Upload Date: April 21, 2019
Some select "Petscop" recordings.
In a way, recordings have the power to raise the dead.
They're kind of scary. We finished our long Easter egg hunt.
Back in the Recording player, we are now shown the "All Recordings" option. A very long list of game recordings is shown, most of them auto-saves with randomly generated names. Selecting a recording causes two options to show up: "Gen." and "Demo Rot.". "Gen." values seem to have a range of 1 to 15, and the "Demo Rot." can be toggled on or off. Some recording names of interest include:
- "family3"
- "care-dancing-sign"
- "marvin"
- "belle"
- "mike"
- "care"
- "sort-test"
The icon to the left of each list entry indicates the Recording's location. After some Recordings on the memory card, the game displays recordings which are on the game disc. A number of other names, like "will" and "daisy" appear, players we've never heard of before, with very low "Gen." numbers.
A recording at the very bottom of the list, "sort-test", is chosen and played using the default values. The pause menu's message area is briefly shown, reading "Everything is a trick."

The Recording begins to play, showing its name and "Gen" value in the top-left corner of the screen. The level's name is also "sort-test", a white void with Even Care tiles arranged in different ways, probably used by the developer(s) to debug issues with the way moving sprites are rendered in-game. One of the historical Guardian sprites seen in the previous episode is used as the player here.
Here, the player simply moves to the furthest-right set of tiles, making sure to 'touch' all of them on the way back. There is no sound, music, player animation or collision.
After the Recording ends, a Gen. 2 recording, "mike2", is chosen, and the pause menu message now reads: "There are no changes, only replacements." An early loading screen appears, and the recording starts out in an early version of the Small Room. There's no door to Pen's Room, and a model of an easel is on the left side. Again, there's no collision, sound or animation. The player moves around and enters an early Randice and Wavey's Room.

This player moves around the room, giving us a closer look at the creepy early Guardian design. The grass on the right side of the room has a giant, bouncing Easter egg on it, the same egg shown as the Petscop YouTube channel's icon around Easter 2019. The player collects the egg, and a few text boxes capitalize on the fact that one of the eggs was in "Daniel's game". Another text box asks the player if they've found every egg in the office.
Another recording plays, "care" from Gen. 3. This version of the game looks a bit closer to the most recent one, but still has the same design as the previous. Wavey and Randice are both implemented, as well as music, pieces and the moving bucket. The player simply moves back and forth near the bucket for a short time before the recording is cut off.
Next, "belle" from Gen. 3, in the same room. Belle figures out how to catch both Wavey and Randice and looks at their Pet descriptions, which we haven't seen before.
A series of other recordings are played:
"james2" from Gen. 4 tries to catch Amber, but doesn't understand that he needs to trap himself in one of the cages.
"phil" from Gen. 4 is completely stumped by Roneth, and appears to be idle.

"amber2" from Gen. 5 has become trapped in the cages in Amber's Room, also idling. The music is different in this Gen, the same music from Paul's first time recording Petscop.
"belle3" from Gen. 5 figures out how to catch Pen, and has captured all the Pets in Even Care.
The video stops here before any more text boxes are shown.
Petscop 20
Upload Date: April 21, 2019
Some select "Petscop" recordings.
In a way, recordings have the power to raise the dead.
They're kind of scary. We finished our long Easter egg hunt.
We begin back in the Recording Player, selecting the Gen. 6 "marvin" recording with "Demo Rot." set to ON. The pause menu message reads: "There is so much to discover in the world of Petscop." It appears that the game has reset, as the Garalina logo animation plays. The logo points in a different direction, like what happened to Paul during 'Strange situation'.
Marvin makes a new file and names it MVM. He starts Outside Even Care, where the game normally starts. He reads the sign and enters Even Care. What's different about Marvin's game is that there are no pieces for him to pick up anywhere. The "locked" door in the first room doesn't specify that he can't open doors.
He enters Roneth's Room and walks around. The video awkwardly cuts several times, showing Marvin standing on certain tiles on the sides of the room. He pauses the game and hits Options, then to Controls. The Controls menu displays a mock-Playstation gamepad. Oddly, the controls for Left and Right are swapped, which raises some questions about how Petscop actually plays. Marvin tries to configure the controls, but it seems that he can't change anything here.
Giving up on changing the control scheme, Marvin executes the Roneth's Room code and heads out to the Newmaker Plane. A different loading screen is displayed, showing a blue, Even Care-like room with what looks like a revolving door. Marvin appears in the Newmaker Plane, walking around the brick building. Several other auto-saved recordings play, showing how much Marvin wandered around.
A new Gen. 7 recording, "auto-ugu8PsPt" plays, back at the brick building. Soon, a series of text boxes pop up with a pre-written message from Rainer, dated July 10, 1997, telling him to be careful traversing the Newmaker Plane. Rainer explains to Marvin that Care is still missing, and that he and the family are still looking for her.
Rainer wants Marvin to find a specific grave, saying that he's the only one who can find it. After running around some more, Rainer says that he's increased Marvin's walking speed so that he can search faster.
Another cut happens, and the Gen. 8 recording, "auto-1iTWsbyV" starts up. Marvin is standing in front of a storm door, and (shockingly) is able to open it by himself. Another loading screen appears: a real-life photograph of a couch, a pillow and a box of crayons. Marvin enters a new area, heading down a stairway. A nearby sign reads: "Road Map". Continuing into the next area, he reads another sign: "Caskets".
This hallway contains four blocks with objects on top of them. Marvin looks at them all, each with their own story attached to them, presumably written by Rainer again. A high-frequency, analog buzzing noise is heard every time Marvin looks at a Casket design. Paying attention to the details of each casket reveals that these are prototypes of the censored objects we've (not, technically) seen so far.
Continuing on, Marvin reads another sign that says "Places". A picture of the park bench outside of the Party Room is shown on the wall. The next area is very familiar - in fact, this is the Road Map area again. Remembering what Marvin did in Petscop 8, entering an area that Paul couldn't see, one realizes that the previous areas are where Marvin was trying to go. When he seems to fly in Petscop 8, that's actually him using the stairway at the beginning of the area.
The entrance to the Office isn't there, so Marvin looks at the pictures of the House, School and Windmill, just like Paul did in Petscop 2. After a jump cut, Marvin is seen in the Graveyard, looking at Michael Hammond's grave. He goes behind the Flower Shack, Mike's epitaph still on-screen. He goes all the way to the storm door, towards the Windmill, but another jump cut occurs.
Marvin is now in Tool's Room, and he asks the Red Tool "did you find lina?", first typing in "did you d" before fixing the question. Tool's canned "I don't know" response appears, and Marvin asks "who is your boss?", hovering over the letter 'k' before typing in 'boss'. Again, Tool replies "I don't know".
Marvin then types in "what year is it?", and Tool brings down a green calendar - 1997. He goes over to the Windmill monitor and uses it. Marvin has direct control over the camera, making it go up and down. Making the camera go way up, some voices of a child (likely Care due to her speech in Petscop 17) begin to play. As he puts the camera back down, the voices fade out.
He continues making the camera go down, eventually clipping it through the grass. The game's renderer goes a bit crazy, but that stops once the camera reaches the area Tool and Marvin is in. This confirms that the camera is directly below where Tool is, as Paul explained in Petscop 4. After getting a close look at Tool, he turns the camera around, revealing a P-6 symbol block, suggesting a connection to the Small Room in Even Care.
Marvin then pauses the game and looks at the only Pet he has, Toneth. He exits the menu, but then the recording is paused by the player, creating a funny Droste effect (en.wikipedia.org) with the nested pause menus. Even more humorous is the pause menu message: "Your butt leaves a cavity in the chair."
The player enters the Options menu, wanting to do the Sound Test code again, but the video stops here.
Petscop 21
Upload Date: April 21, 2019
The Sign
This Gen. 8 recording is called "care-dancing-sign". It shows a player moving rhythmically through the Sign Hallway, and that's all that happens in this episode.
It has been confirmed that this video is meant to be played to "The Sign" (en.wikipedia.org), a 1993 dance pop song by Ace of Base, which is hinted at in the video's description.
Petscop 22
Upload Date: September 2, 2019
In a way, recordings have the power to raise the dead. They're kind of scary.
The video begins with a Gen. 8 recording, "auto-b4yw0bHt", in progress. This recording is actually from the very end of Petscop 10, played back by the recording player shown earlier. The microphone static from Petscop 10 is overlain onto the footage.
Paul asks the red Tool "Where was the windmill?", and the answer is censored. After a small cut, the video returns with Paul still looking at the censored answer Tool gave him. Paul then begins talking with someone who we can't hear for over six solid minutes.
The transcript of Paul's conversation can be found here. Summing up the conversation in a few key points:
- Tool's answer to "Where was the windmill?" is a low-resolution image with numbers on the top and bottom; "Where is the windmill?" produces no answer
- The image relates to a real life (in-universe) location with a stone on the ground, meaning the numbers are likely coordinates of some sort
- Paul wants to find out how to convert Petscop "tiles" to meters in order to find things in real life, and vice-versa
- The "family" intimidates Paul, and he wants to make sure Jill hasn't contacted his friend
- Paul doesn't know if there's anything more to the cage puzzle that allowed him to enter the other side of Quitter's Room
- Paul is not playing Petscop in a car
- Belle is revealed to be Paul's friend whom he was talking to in the first few videos, and in this conversation

During the conversation, Paul tells Belle that he needs her "puzzle genius", as he doesn't understand why the Tiara character disappeared from the other side of Quitter's Room. Belle gives Paul the explanation, and he tries to verify her reasoning. Before we can see him do that, the video cuts again.
Back in the recording, Paul is idle, and a thud is heard in the background. Belle must have heard it, as Paul says that he isn't playing Petscop in a car, chuckling at the ridiculous prospect. This is also the first time the word "Petscop" is said verbally in the series, verifying its pronounciation.
He explains that the thud was his front door closing, as he executes the shadow monster man glitch in the Graveyard. Heading back to the Road area, Paul's character steps on the road and is abruptly hit by a bright red car, making it disappear. Paul asks Belle about what just happened as the in-game camera slowly creeps upward.

Paul gets frustrated as he remembers that he isn't recording his gameplay footage, and thus didn't get footage of his character being hit by a car. Suddenly, the Tiara character appears from the right side of the screen, now having pupils in her eyes. Tiara looks to the right as Paul tries to get Belle back on the line. Belle stopped talking after Tiara appeared on screen.
Paul starts to talk to Tiara, wanting to know what she's trying to say, her face also moving to the right. This recording ends with Paul practically yelling at Tiara: "WHAT?", as she points to the right side of the screen.
A short version of the "driving" scene from Petscop 11 fades in and plays, with the clock moving down the road. No sound plays here.
We now rejoin Paul as he has found the School using Room Impulse. He activates his character and heads through the entryway. The School is completely the same as in Petscop 11 and 15, but he now only starts with 394 Pieces. He heads to the locker with the combination lock again, but walks away after a short time.
After another cut, Paul heads up the staircase to the second floor. Strangely, the School's generic music doesn't stop playing. He continues forward, but he is pulled back to the GiRL picture, just like in Petscop 15. What follows is Paul somehow triggering the "pull back" mechanics in this area repeatedly, without even moving to a specific area.
Another jump cut occurs (and much confusion as to what he's trying to do here), and Paul finally stops. He heads toward the GiRL picture, and the letters don't appear, nor does the looping jingle play. He continues on, passing straight through the picture, into a hidden game room.
The sound of squeaking metal, similar to a rusty swingset, plays in the background as Paul looks around this room. A large text box appears at the top of the screen, apologizing for pulling Paul "out of class", and that whoever is writing these messages wants to talk and play a board game with him. A cabinet with four board games appears, and Paul picks the one called "Graverobber".
Paul plays Graverobber with this random, unseen person, who tells him to verify his file name (which is still "Strange situation"). During his seemingly one-way discourse with this entity, we learn that Paul is left-handed, which explains his confusion discerning left and right. The entity speaks to Paul in a patronizing manner, like somebody talking to a young child.

It talks in a disjointed manner, ranging from how children shouldn't use swear words, tactics to use in Graverobber, to a "big boo-boo" on Paul's face. Paul quits the game after the entity delivers a heartfelt speech about helping Paul in some way. The entity prompts Paul to pick another game, but he declines. The entity lets him go, hoping that Paul finds his "real house".
Paul heads back through the GiRL picture, and back down to the first floor. A massive corridor has now opened up on Paul's left, which Paul promptly walks into. Paul has finally made it to the School's basement stairway. A loud, droning noise consitutes the "music" in this area, seemingly getting louder by the second.
Paul walks down the stairs, entering a door on the side of the room, and the camera pans to the left in a very choppy way. The video ends here.
Petscop 23
Upload Date: September 2, 2019 (Says September 1 due to being posted near midnight)
The video starts off at the Petscop title screen, and a demo recording begins to play. A loading screen appears, showing a rendered 3D model of the side of (presumably) Marvin's in-game head. Unlike most of the other loading screens, this one is bright enough to plainly see.

The demo sequence begins in the School's second floor, with Paul having managed to overcome the "pull back" effect which prevented him from moving too far in this area. He heads up a staircase to the school's third floor, which hasn't been seen yet.
Another loading screen appears, this time simply showing the Garalina logo on a black background. Paul walks up to a desk with the Garalina 'G' over it, and looks over into the next area.
Visually, this area has a LOT of stuff going on. There are eight doors, all numbered, and each with a computer tower, monitor and desk in front of them. There is a television rack in the middle of the room, on top of a "carpet" made of the toy letter block textures Marvin used in his Petscop 6 cutscene.
The television set shows a Petscop screenshot, it reads: "PETSCOP KIDS".

Paul looks around and finds a giant 'cone' Piece, with several smaller pieces floating around it. After staring at it for a short time, he notices that one of the computers has the Windmill's interior on-screen. Paul continues looking around at the other computers, which show the Garalina logo spinning around, and make a ticking noise.
Paul positions his character in front of the giant Piece and activates his Green Tool, which lights up. 26 pieces are added, totalling 500 - half of what Marvin needs for his "Machine". The music stops, and the entire room goes dark and silent. All of the computer monitors are turned off, but the TV is still on.
Continuing on, Paul heads for the door on the opposite side of the room, looking back at the TV. Because it's a sprite, it always faces him. He enters yet another classroom, with a chalkboard which has the "five words" written on it, the last of the censored objects mentioned in the series. There are eight panels on the sides of the classroom, sort of like the eight doors in the previous room.
Paul looks at the chalkboard, and the writing is promptly edited out. After he's done looking, Marvin is seen standing in the doorway. Via P2 talk, he asks Paul what room he's in. Paul then looks at all the panels, which feature dioramas of bedroom configurations. Room 1 matches the room shown on the Burn-in Monitor in Petscop 16, and Paul indicates to Marvin that this is the correct room.
Marvin thanks Paul, saying "Here I Come". Paul replies with "What", and inputs "No" twice. He tries to say one last thing, but is stopped before he can finish. Inspecting the inputs shown over Paul's character (R2 START SQUARE) reveals that he was trying to say a word that begins with /dæ/, as in the word "dad". What exactly happened is very unclear at this time.

Both Paul and Marvin's characters idle for a long time, and the video cuts to and from black. When they appear again, Marvin is seen walking out of the room, and Paul sends his message, yielding a "Not In Table" output.
Tiara steps into the classroom, saying "I'm Sorry", and Paul replying "Help". Tiara writes the numbers "9 2 19" on the chalkboard, above the five words, which Paul looks at. Incidentally, these numbers correspond to this video's upload date: September 2, 2019.

Tiara walks out of the classroom, followed by Paul. He walks all the way back down to the first floor and uses the combination lock. Paul inputs the numbers "9 2 19", the combination used to disengage the lock. The locker opens up, revealing a purple and pink-striped Easter egg and a piece of paper.
The paper contains an awkwardly-written "New Life Letter" from Tiara Leskowitz, expressing love for her child, wishing them well on their day at school. Paul activates and deactivates the Green Tool a few times after reading this letter.
Paul puts the letter back in the locker, and it closes. He heads down the basement stairway and goes through the other doorway this time. Visually, this new area resembles places under the Newmaker Plane, using the same textures for the floor and walls.
A brown sign advises Paul that the Machine is in the next room. It also issues an ominous warning that this is a one-way area, and that his "baby" will see any surrounding objects on his way out. A deep, fenced-off chasm is in the middle of this room, along with several objects, including a traffic cone, a toy model of the School building, and a framed photograph of a child.
All of these objects are movable, just like the buckets in the previous episodes. As he moves toward the part of the chasm that isn't fenced off, the camera aims at it, suggesting that the objects in the room be pushed into it.

The first object Paul pushes into this chasm is the School model. He pushes the traffic cone a bit, and the photograph toward the entrance, perhaps to give viewers a good look at the kid. Paul then pushes a box of crayons into the chasm. He goes back for the photograph, and after some hesitation, pushes it into the chasm.
The camera pans to a door on the left side of the room, which silently opens. Paul goes through the door and enters a small, dark closet-like area which contains the long-awaited Care B, whom Paul promptly captures. He reads Care B's description, detailing the conditions in which she was kept during her captivity in the School.
On the last sentence of her description, an animated shovel sprite floats across the screen, strongly indicating that whoever wrote it is grave-digging. Paul exits the closet, takes one last look down the chasm, and proceeds into the next room.
At last, we find the room that houses Marvin's Machine, shrouded in an evil, red fog. Both Marvin and Tiara are standing around waiting for Paul, who now has the Green Tool floating above his character's head. Paul activates the right side of the machine, and all 500 of his collected Pieces are deducted. Since the machine already had 500 Pieces supplied on the left side, Marvin can now use it for whatever he had planned.
The three of them stand in front of the machine for a bit, and Marvin tells Paul to "Put Baby" into it. The machine operates exactly like the Child Library, using the same rotary kiosk. Paul deposits Care B into the machine, and spins the kiosk around. Marvin says "Time Too Play", and the Needles Piano shape appears, like at the end of Petscop 11.
Paul picks it up and begins to play very slowly. After a few notes, the shape turns red, apparently causing Marvin to panic and tell Paul to stop playing. Despite this, Paul continues to play against Marvin's wishes. After a bit, Marvin runs out of the room, Tiara standing motionless as Paul plays his song.

Listening very closely, the last four notes Paul plays have a faint 'reverb' to them. Paul stops playing and spins the machine's kiosk around, revealing a yellow and red-striped Easter egg. He 'catches' this egg as if it were a Pet, with the "CAUGHT" message appearing. Its cry sound effect is a modified version of Care B's cry.
Paul looks at the egg's description, appearing in the supposedly unused Pet slot after Care NLM. The egg's name tag has no text. The description box appears empty for a bit, but the next page shows the text string: "? You should start thinking about that." This line is taken from Amber's description.
Paul exits the machine room and heads all the way back to his locker in the School. Using the combination Tiara gave him, he opens the locker and deposits the egg into it, appearing next to the other one. He then exits the School.
Back in the Newmaker Plane, Paul walks down to the park bench, seen in Petscop 11. Suddenly, the entire level lights up with a blue color, and fades to white. A pre-rendered version of the House's garage appears, the garage door open, showing the road in the Newmaker Plane. This image stays on screen until the demo ends, bringing us back to the Petscop title screen.

Whatever Paul did must have been the right thing to do, as this episode ends with a much lighter tone.
Petscop 24
Upload Date: September 2, 2019

The video starts up in the Newmaker Plane, still lit up due to Paul's actions in the previous episode. There seems to be nothing else going on, and there's not even a player character in sight. The game is then paused, and the message area on the right simply reads "Now:", like the video's description.
The Book of Baby Names option is selected, something that hasn't been mentioned or elaborated upon since Petscop 6. The isolated drum track of Even Care's music starts to play, colorful letters that spell out "PETSCOP KIDS" scroll down the screen, and a list of first names appear in alphabetical order. This continues for the first half of the video.
Once the list ends, a message thanking the player for testing is displayed, and the music starts playing the same note repeatedly. A message from Mrs. Mark also appears, a digital 'birthday card' for Michael Hammond's 7th birthday. She tells Mike about the present she got for him, one that Carrie helped pick out.
Mrs. Mark warns Mike to not shake the box in the message's postscript, and a black stencil of a flower is also shown. The video ends after the flower goes off-screen.
This is one of the last Petscop videos that will be uploaded.
No pieces are collected (or deducted) in this episode, as effectively nothing happens.
Petscop Soundtrack
Upload Date: November 28, 2019
This video contains the full Petscop soundtrack.
However, at 42:02 into the video, there is one final bit to the series. The voice of a child says "And now", and a short jingle plays. Paul appears in the Newmaker Plane, once again covered in blue fog.
He walks forward and meets Tiara in front of a park bench, which has something big on it. Tiara then tells Paul via P2 talk:
There Is Boss
Waiting For Her Son
Do You Remember Being Born
Smuggled Away
Driving Too Your New House
Boss In Driver Seat
Me In Back
I Could Not Wait To Be Your Friend
It should be noted that the name 'Lina' is substituted with 'Boss', as the P2 Talk inputs pronounce her name.
Paul simply replies: Family
Tiara assures paul that We Can Investigate This Together
Paul and Tiara walk into "Boss" - a giant Piece on the bench, textured like Lina as seen in the Windmill, holding a slice of cake. The Party Room can be seen through the window in front of them.
Both this video, and the series, ends here.